Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Introducing...Renovate NYC

Those of you who've been regular visitors to cityhammer.com lately will recognize the name Renovate NYC from their banners across the site. Renovate NYC is a Featured Member in the Kitchen and Bath Category currently, but there's a lot more to this company and we'd like to spotlight this exciting remodeling firm for all of New York.
Renovate NYC offers a mind-boggling array of construction services including:
• Alarm Systems
• Appliances
• Architectural & Design Services
• Moldings – Crown, Baseboard, Chair
• Bathrooms
• Bathroom fixtures
• Boiler & Gas & Hot Water
• Building
• Building Materials Provider
• Closet Customized Fit-outs
• Demolition
• Doors & hardware
• Electrical
• Exhausts and Fans
• Façade – Brownstone, Brick
• Fireplaces
• Floors – Hardwood, Tile, Other
• HVAC – Heating and Cooling units
• Interior Design & Decorating
• Kitchens
• Kitchen Installation
• Landscaping
• Lighting
• Painting – Taping, Skim Coating
• Plumbing
• Procurement – Fixtures & Fittings
• Roofing
• Roof decks
• Security Intercom
• Shower Doors
• Stairs & Rails
• Water Meters
• Windows
• Wiring – Multimedia
• Wood Restoration
They also have a complete Brownstone Renovation Business specializing in gut renovations, updated interiors, exterior or facade work, and much more.
To call for an estimate on a project, call (212) 796-6940.
To visit Renovate NYC's cityhammer.com profile page, click here!
And to visit them directly, go to apartmentworksnyc.com or brownstoneworksnyc.com
Labels: Brownstone Renovation, Kitchen and Bath, Renovate NYC, Updated Interiors
Monday, February 18, 2008
NY Home Improvement Blog Patrol

Happy Chinese New Year! Exciting, even if 2008 is the Year of the Rat.
Happy President's Day. I remember we used to get days off for Washington and Lincoln's birthdays separately... oh well.
Here's what you may have missed over the last few days...
On Brownstoner's backpages, the Bed Stuy Reno Blog has taken a decidedly vintage turn in the resurrection of their shower. Going with a tile color that can only be described as "hospital scrubs" green, the finished product should be interesting.
Green Tile Shower
The Property Grunt hosted the 76th Carnival of Real Estate over on his blog earlier this week... your humble editors from cityhammer made a contribution as well. We went for humorous while the other writers went for sophistication; we were blown away by the depth and insight from some of the guest bloggers (especially Matrix). Great job all...
Grunt's Carnival of Real Estate
Lastly, Noah and the Gang over at Urbandigs are hosting a cocktail get-together over at the Upper West Side's Evelyn Lounge on February 20th. Should be a good opportunity to throw a few back on a Wednesday night and (perish the thought) learn something!
Drinks with Urbandigs
Labels: Bed Stuy Renovation, Chinese New Year NY, NY Home Improvement
Saturday, February 16, 2008
How Many (insert here) Does it Take to Change a Lightbulb?

Photo by Chefranden
Q: How many Brooklyn-based bloggers does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Four; One to change the bulb, and the other three to lament about how good the old one used to be.
Just kidding, but here's a serious tip for changing out old bulb's, especially from a ceiling fixture. When changing out non-traditional shaped lightbulbs that have been in the fixture for a while, sometimes the screwed-in base gets stuck and only the glass, incandescent part comes free.
Never fear, simply take a screwdriver handle, put a damp cloth over it, and use that to fit into the base and twist it free. The mositure will help grip the metal and the screwdriver handle is usually the right size and shape for the job.
Don't ever use pliers to remove a stuck-in lightbulb base, you could end up damaging the fixture itself, or worse, get an electric shock.
That's our tip of the day, probably more helpful than three paragraphs on the closing of a dry cleaner in Red Hook...
Posted By the master of ceremonies to New York Interior Decorator Blog at 1/21/2008 06:36:00 PM
Labels: Brooklyn Blog, Changing Lightbulbs, Light Fixtures
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
New York Times Small Business Summit

Your humble cityhammer.com founders were featured in a story over on the New York Times yesterday.
Read the article here:
Special thanks to New York Times Community Manager Andrew Benkard for helping us get the word out.
Labels: cityhammer.com, New York Times, NYT, Small Business
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Why I'm Rooting for Pier 1

The Year was 1989. The Berlin Wall was being dismantled, Roseanne Barr was the queen of primetime TV, and the unholy “Straight Up” by Paula Abdul was unleashed upon the world; our eardrums would never be the same again. That same year, home furnishings giant Pier 1 Imports was at its zenith, having opened up its 550th retail store. Starting out with one store in 1962 in San Mateo, California, Pier 1 had taken its candlesticks, rattan furniture and faux-imported goods to every major market in America during the 80’s at a relentless pace that was unheard of for a stand-alone home furnishings chain up until that point.
Full Article on cityhammer.com
Labels: Housing Slump, Pier 1, Pier 1 Imports, Warrren Buffett
Take the Quiz...What's Your Design Style?

Question Mark by -bast-
Have 30 seconds to kill? Want to learn something about your own taste (or at least have your style sense put into actual words)? Take the "What's Your Design Style?" Quiz on HGTV's website. There are ten questions giving a choice of sofas, chairs, mirrors and dining rooms.
They'll give you the accent colors, fabrics and aesthetic that match with your choices...they'll even assign you to a design "type", like (modern, rustic, eclectic etc.)
Give it a shot...click here to take the quiz.
Labels: Accent Colors, Aesthetic, Design Style, Dining Rooms, HGTV
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Saturday, February 2, 2008
NY Home Improvement Blog Patrol

Photo taken at the U.S. Customs House, Bowling Green, Manhattan - thanks to Pro-Zak
The Weekender Warrior checks in with Brownstoner with his latest project, a sagging stained glass skylight repair. Our inner-minimalist is screaming "LOSE THE SKYLIGHT ENTIRELY!" but to each his own...
Weekend Warrior: Fixing the Skylight
In what might be the mosty blatant example of an unqualified handyman's handiwork, Charles and Hudson's got pics of a shower that comes with it's own hanging electrical outlet, complete with dangling extension cord. Most of us get our morning jolt from a strong cup of coffee...this is clearly the next level.
Electrocution Waiting to Happen
Attention all Do-It-Yourselfers, Real LI, the real estate blog from Newsday is reporting that:
"one out of every 200 homes in New York State last year had some sort of foreclosure-related filing, from default letters to auction notices, a 10 percent jump from 2006. RealtyTrac said the number of New York homes that got foreclosure-related filings was 38,688."
With a foreclosed property, you can assume the prices will be cheap, but the renovations will be costly and time-consuming. Now that New York State is chock full of them, and the Federal Reserve has made it so that banks can once again lend profitably (mortgages and home equity lines), can the next reno boom be far behind?
Jump in NY Foreclosure Activity
Labels: Foreclosures, Handyman, Newsday, Shower, Stained Glass Skylight