Monday, February 18, 2008
NY Home Improvement Blog Patrol

Happy Chinese New Year! Exciting, even if 2008 is the Year of the Rat.
Happy President's Day. I remember we used to get days off for Washington and Lincoln's birthdays separately... oh well.
Here's what you may have missed over the last few days...
On Brownstoner's backpages, the Bed Stuy Reno Blog has taken a decidedly vintage turn in the resurrection of their shower. Going with a tile color that can only be described as "hospital scrubs" green, the finished product should be interesting.
Green Tile Shower
The Property Grunt hosted the 76th Carnival of Real Estate over on his blog earlier this week... your humble editors from cityhammer made a contribution as well. We went for humorous while the other writers went for sophistication; we were blown away by the depth and insight from some of the guest bloggers (especially Matrix). Great job all...
Grunt's Carnival of Real Estate
Lastly, Noah and the Gang over at Urbandigs are hosting a cocktail get-together over at the Upper West Side's Evelyn Lounge on February 20th. Should be a good opportunity to throw a few back on a Wednesday night and (perish the thought) learn something!
Drinks with Urbandigs
Labels: Bed Stuy Renovation, Chinese New Year NY, NY Home Improvement