Thursday, July 31, 2008
NY Home Improvement Blog Patrol

Confession time: we're not watching season 3 of HGTV's Design Star. Tried, but couldn't. Its not a bad show, its just too time consuming for too little "design". We love HGTV, but have found that Design Star is better absorbed in smaller chunks. Thankfully, HGTV has a Vlog (Video Log?) on their site with bite-sized video content so the casual fan can keep up week to week with what they've missed. The Design Star Blog is a nice alternative if you don't have that extra hour for each episode.
Design Star Video Blog
Remodelista's Steal This Look is one of our favorite blog series on the net. This time around they've got a kitchen with black slate counter tops and open white shelves that could go either way...mod or retro. Of course with a canvas that sleek and plain, the deciding factor as far as mod or retro would be what you put on that open shelving. Remodelista's got some interesting ideas like white pottery by Heath Ceramics or Bauer Bowls in different bright colors.
Steal This Look: Kitchen
Sad but true news from the Zillow Blog, they're reporting the foreclosure of a second Extreme Home Makeover house this week. The first one was a home in Atlanta that was featured on the show 3 years ago. The family used the house as collateral to start a construction business, but apparently it didn't work out. The news this week came out of Oregon that the homeowner lost a battle with cancer and the family can't afford to pay the $250,000 mortgage left, along with the utilities and taxes for the property.
Extreme Home Makeover Foreclosures
Labels: Design Star, Extreme Home Makeover, Foreclosures, HGTV, Mod Kitchen, Retro Kitchen