Friday, June 20, 2008
The Washington Post on Apartment Therapy

Run, don't walk to read the Washington Post interview with Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan, the majordomo of Apartment Therapy. If there is any truth to the saying, "Necessity is the Mother of Invention", then Maxwell is a living embodiment, having turned his first 265 square foot, New York City apartment into a livable one-bedroom largely through his prowess as a designer.
He started out in 2001 as a design business to help others make use of their apartments' living space, and three years later, was launched to relay his ideas and expertise to an even larger audience. Apartment Therapy now reaches 1.5 million visitors a month in cities from LA to Boston to San Francisco to Miami. There are also two AT books out which are a must-read when embarking on the design or decoration of a new apartment.
The article, written by Terri Sapienza, covers some great topics, such as design blogs and books, the use of color, common mistakes made in small apartments, and temporary design tips for renters.
When asked about his biggest design mistake ever, Maxwell reinforces the importance of taking accurate measurements:
"The worst one was early on and a great lesson for me. I didn't measure the room I was working on closely enough and ordered a few pieces of furniture that ended up being way too big and looking ridiculous when they arrived. Luckily, I called the manufacturer immediately and was able to return the pieces. But ever since then I always measure very carefully before placing a furniture order."
AT also has some interesting stuff lined up for the end of the year, so if you're already a fan like we are, or you want to read more, here's a link: AT in Washington Post
Labels: Apartment Therapy, Design Tips for Renters, Interior Design New York, New York City Apartments